Our Pricing
Issues we fix
We can inspect, troubleshoot and repair most issues dealing with PC's and Laptops instore whether being hardware or software. Hardware issues with Phones and Tablets we send away using our trusted repair agent in Auckland.
Some of the issues we fix below
Computer Lock-ups
Password Bypass / Recovery
Hardware Upgrades
Operating System Optimisation
Computer Assembly
OS Boot Failure
DC Jack Replacement
Laptop Part Replacement
Dust Removal / Thermal Replacement
Virus Issues / Antivirus Installations
Blue Screen Crashes
Backups / Restores
HDD to SSD Cloning
Computer / Device Migrations
Email / Office Setup
Operating System Installations
LCD Screen Replacement
Operating System Upgrades
Insurance Diagnostic / Reports
Wifi / Network Issues / Setup

In-store Rate
We charge a set $60 inspection/work fee which covers the first 30 minutes of the job. If we fix the issue within this time, that's all you will pay.
If the problem is more complicated and time involved, we charge a set fee of $90 per hour there after. So as an example, if a job took 1 hour to perform, there would be the set inspection fee of $60 and an additional 30 minutes / $45. So the total job cost would be $105. (Additional time is charged in 15 minute blocks)
On-site Rate
Sometimes it's not convenient to unplug all your cables to bring your computer in to us, or it might be an issue with the Wifi or Wifi Printer, where we would have to be onsite to fix the issue.
We charge a set $65 call-out fee which covers the first 30 minutes of the job including travel time. If we fix the issue within this time, that's all you will pay.
Sometimes jobs can be time consuming where we may need to perform a certain diagnostic that may take hours to complete. We don't want to make you feel like you're in a taxi, stuck in peak traffic with the meter running. In these circumstances we would recommend that the job be continued back at our store, where you are only paying for the time we are working on your computer and not the time waiting for the computer to complete the task. In this case, standard in-store rates apply, without the initial $60 inspection fee added.

Remote Support Rate
Remote support is a more eco-friendly and cheaper way of offering you support when you need it. No need for us to come onsite or unplug your computer and bring it into our store.
The connection to your computer is encrypted and safe. We can only access your computer when you join with a code that our technician will supply. You will be able to see everything that goes on and we will be detailing over the phone everything that we are doing on your computer.
There are occasions when remote support is not viable. You will need to have your computer loading into Windows and you will need an average internet connection speed for us to connect to you.
Pricing is charged at $15 per 10 minute block.
Insurance Reports
Accidents are a part of life. A cup of coffee over the laptop keyboard, a cracked LCD panel or a phone that's been dropped.
If you have contents insurance, and the item is worth more than your insurance access, then its normally worth claiming on your insurance.
A few factors come in to play here. What's the total cost of the repair, are the parts required still available and how long is it going to take to get them.
We can assess the damage and generate you a report with our recommendation to take back to your insurance provider. They will then decide whether the item is worth fixing or replacing.
Cost of the insurance report may vary depending on the damage and the time assessing the damage. A phone screen is a fairly straight forward assessment, as we already know the labour involved, where as a laptop that has had liquid spilt over it will need to be fully disassembled to see how much damage has been done and what parts are going to need to be replaced / repaired. Insurance reports range from $50 to $100 for a more inclusive report with photos of the damage. In most cases your insurance company will also cover the cost of the report, although it always pays to check with your insurance company first.
All pricing includes GST.