Spark start charging for your Xtra email address

All Spark broadband customers can get Xtra Mail for free until 15 May 2024. From 16 May 2024, it will cost $5.95/month for Spark broadband customers, which aligns with their price for Pay Monthly mobile and Landline only customers. The price for Prepaid and non-Spark customers will increase from $5.95/month to $9.95/month.    

What are the benefits and disadvantages with sticking with your email address ?.

  • You wont need to notify anyone of the change of your email address like friends, family, accountants etc.
  • You wont need to update any email address logins for websites. i.e Facebook, Trademe etc.

  • The obvious disadvantage is there will be the additional fee that you will be charged for monthly.
  • You are still bound to Spark/Xtra, meaning if you ever change your Internet Service Provider, you are going to be charged more if you wish to retain your email address with Spark.
  • If you ever forget a password to log into a website and your recovery email address is still pointing towards The recovery options will be sent to an email address you can no longer access.

For some customers the fact that you don't have to do anything like informing your friends, family and updating websites of your new email address can be one less thing to worry about.

Note that if you decide to close your email address, you will have to manually log into your Spark Webmail and close your email account, else Spark will start automatically billing the additional email charge to your account.


Feilding Computers,
47 Kimbolton Road,
Feilding, 4702.

Phone :
(06) 323-5780


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